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Awshx Fund

Performance charts for Washington Mutual Investors Fund (AWSHX) including intraday, historical and comparison charts, technical analysis and trend lines. Find our live American Funds Washington Mutual Investors Fund Class A fund basic information. View & analyze the AWSHX fund chart by total assets. Get the latest American Funds Washington Mutual Investors Fund Class A (AWSHX) real-time quote, historical performance, charts, and other financial. Investment style (stocks), Market Cap: Large Investment Style: Blend ; Launch date, ; Price currency, USD ; Domicile, United States ; Symbol, AWSHX. American Funds Washington Mutual A overview and insights.

Get the latest American Funds Washington Mutual Investors Fund Class A (AWSHX) stock price quote with financials, statistics, dividends, charts and more. The objective of this fund is to provide current income and opportunity for growth of principal consistent with sound common-stock investing. The fund invests primarily in common stocks of established companies that are listed on, or meet the financial listing requirements of, the New York Stock. Latest American Funds Washington Mutual Investors Fund Class A (AWSHX) share price with interactive charts, historical prices, comparative analysis. Get AWSHX mutual fund information for American-Funds-Washington-Mutual-Investors-Fund-Class-A, including a fund overview,, Morningstar summary. Get American Funds Washington Mutual Investors Fund Class A (AWSHX:NASDAQ) real-time stock quotes, news, price and financial information from CNBC. The American Funds Washington Mutual Fund is an affordable investment. Its expense ratio is percent. Net Expense Ratio. AWSHX; Markets. Is American Funds Washington Mutual Investors A (AWSHX) a Strong Mutual Fund Pick Right Now? Apr 17, PM ET. Washington Mutual Invs Fd Cl A Shs (AWSHX) Dividends Dates And Yield - See the dividend history dates, yield, and payout ratio for Washington Mutual Invs Fd. AWSHX Price - See what it cost to invest in the American Funds Washington Mutual A fund and uncover hidden expenses to decide if this is the best investment. Get the latest American Funds Washington Mutual Investors Fund Class A (AWSHX) stock price quote with financials, statistics, dividends, charts and more.

See performance data and interactive charts for American Funds Washington Mutual Fund (AWSHX). Research information including trailing returns and. American Funds Washington Mutual A AWSHX · NAV / 1-Day Return / + % · Total Assets Bil · Adj. Expense Ratio. % · Expense Ratio %. American Funds Washington Mutual Investors Fund AWSHX has $ BILLION invested in fossil fuels, 11% of the fund. American Funds Washington Mutual Investors Fund AWSHX has $ BILLION invested in Clean companies, 15% of the fund. Military weapon grade: Fund is invested in military contractors above the threshold of 4%. Assigned a grade of F. How we track weapon investments. Hello all. I had made a post on here about a week ago basically my ignorance led to being put into AGTHX and AWSHX funds from my advisor. Washington Mutual Investors Fund (Class A | Fund 1 | AWSHX) seeks to produce income and provide an opportunity for growth of principal consistent with sound. investments. Click through to get more details on each issue. American Funds Washington Mutual Investors Fund AWSHX. Environment. Fossil fuels. Investments in. AWSHX - WASHINGTON MUTUAL INVESTORS FUND Class A's top holdings are Broadcom Inc. (US:AVGO), Microsoft Corporation (US:MSFT), Eli Lilly and Company (US:LLY).

The objective of this fund is to provide current income and opportunity for growth of principal consistent with sound common-stock investing. The Fund invests primarily in common stocks of established companies that are listed on the New York Stock Exchange and have a strong record of earnings and. American Funds Washington Mutual Investors Fund $AWSHX is % ($ BILLION) invested in gun manufacturer and major gun retailer stocks. Get American Funds Washington Mutual Investors Fund Class A (AWSHX.O) real-time stock quotes, news, price and financial information from Reuters to inform. Latest American Funds Washington Mutual Investors Fund Class A (AWSHX) share price with interactive charts, historical prices, comparative analysis.

Fund Overview #5 - AWSHX - American Funds Washington Mutual Investors Fund Class A

AWSHX - Washington Mutual Investors Fund - Washington Mutual Investors Fund Class A (MUTF) - Share Price and News.

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